
A minimalistic Angular 2+ seed project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

This is a minimalistic Angular 2+ seed project, featuring:

This seed follows the Angular Style Guide.

How to use

Install dependencies

npm install
# or

Development server

Use the following command to start a local development server which will display the application at http://localhost:3000.

npm start
# or
yarn start

Test your code

The following command will run your unit tests with Karma.

npm test
# or
yarn test

Analyze your code with TSLint

Run TSLint with rules based on the Angular Style Guide with this command.

npm run lint
# or
yarn lint

Build for production

Production files are located in dist.

This project uses Ahead-of-Time Compilation and Tree Shaking for much smaller production files. Files over a threshold of 1KB are also gzipped, which results in approximately 150KB for all JS/HTML/CSS in this project.

npm run build
# or
yarn build
