- 0
- 1
doesn't work with mjs files
#300 opened by hp8wvvvgnj6asjm7 - 0
Debounce is per-file, not global
#301 opened by dobesv - 7
- 1
Suppress experimental warnings with Node v18
#293 opened by tmont - 0
Babel-TypeScript example
#269 opened by ravshansbox - 5
ESM struggle
#294 opened by ricardo-valero - 0
- 4
Broken in TypeScript 4.5.3
#287 opened by hornta - 0
- 1
Node-dev does not send SIGTERM on CTRL+C
#291 opened by macjabeth - 1
v7.4.1 breaks on ESM modules that use worker-threads
#285 opened by lehni - 0
RFC: support advanced notification and require cache swap, vs full process reload
#289 opened by cdaringe - 2
- 1
Hard to identify in inspect of Chrome
#243 opened by daveisfera - 8
Cannot set config "extension:{ts: 'ts-node/esm'}"
#271 opened by KermanX - 4
- 4
- 6
Does it work with native ES6 modules?
#201 opened by darkbasic - 3
- 1
example working with babel 7
#214 opened by sibelius - 9
Explicitly watch files?
#207 opened by windware-ono - 0
Ignore filename extension for child_process fork using when using Typescript
#265 opened by franciscohanna92 - 2
Argument parsing is still broken in 6.7.0 (-r works but --require doesn't)
#258 opened by SystemParadox - 0
[] Screenshots not showing up
#259 opened by bjornstar - 1
Ignore option may not work
#253 opened by wclr - 1
node-dev crashes when attempting restart (permissions?)
#199 opened by bsrz - 2
Piping output causes segmentation fault in Git Bash on Windows using Node.js 8.9.4
#208 opened by laurence-myers - 2
Support third party ESM loader
#242 opened by iFwu - 0
how about return child process reference?
#241 opened by lifuzhao100 - 5
bad option: --nofity=false
#247 opened by wclr - 0
Add --help/-h flags
#246 opened by noc7c9 - 11
- 4
How can we use --experimental-modules with node v10?
#212 opened by ericfong - 5
--inspect doesn't work when used in NODE_OPTIONS
#235 opened by daveisfera - 0
[v6.1.0] Fails if you have two required modules
#238 opened by bjornstar - 1
Using -r esm broke with 6.0 release
#236 opened by daveisfera - 1
- 2
Exit on SIGTERM signal
#210 opened by EmrysMyrddin - 2
Cannot read property 'stack' of null
#231 opened by haggen - 1
- 0
- 0
How does node-dev transpile ES6 or JSX file?
#225 opened by shakibamoshiri - 1
Node js
#204 opened by swapnil-tnex - 2
TypeError: val.lastIndexOf is not a function
#216 opened by nexgenkannan - 5
Current project status
#215 opened by DanielRuf - 1
How to transpile with babel@7 ?
#213 opened by d0ruk - 1
- 1
child_process needs to use shell
#202 opened by shavyg2 - 0
watch file content instead of timestamp
#200 opened by Niels-Be