...aka Alertmanager silences distributor
This a dirty copy of amtool which allow to create silence for multi-tenants.
It support the same config file format, but has only the silence add
usage: atm silence add [<flags>] [<matcher-groups>...]
Add a new alertmanager silence
atm uses a simplified Prometheus syntax to represent silences. The
non-option section of arguments constructs a list of "Matcher Groups"
that will be used to create a number of silences. The following examples
will attempt to show this behaviour in action:
atm silence add alertname=foo node=bar
This statement will add a silence that matches alerts with the
alertname=foo and node=bar label value pairs set.
atm silence add foo node=bar
If alertname is omitted and the first argument does not contain a '=' or a
'=~' then it will be assumed to be the value of the alertname pair.
atm silence add 'alertname=~foo.*'
As well as direct equality, regex matching is also supported. The '=~' syntax
(similar to Prometheus) is used to represent a regex match. Regex matching
can be used in combination with a direct match.
-h, --[no-]help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--date.format="2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST"
Format of date output
Alertmanager to talk to
--timeout=30s Timeout for the executed command
HTTP client configuration file for atm to connect to Alertmanager.
--[no-]version Show application version.
-t, --tenant=TENANT tenant
tenant HTTP Header
--tenant.file=<filename> tenant file location
-a, --author="fgouteroux" Username for CreatedBy field
-d, --duration="1h" Duration of silence
--max-duration="12h" Max Duration of silence
--start=START Set when the silence should start. RFC3339 format
--end=END Set when the silence should end (overwrites duration). RFC3339 format
-c, --comment=COMMENT A comment to help describe the silence
[<matcher-groups>] Query filter
When using grafana mimir with multi-tenancy enabled, we need to pass the HTTP tenant ID header.
atm take a tenants list file and iterate over each tenant, set the expected header ( X-Scope-OrgID
by default) and create the silence.
We add a default max duration of 12h by default to avoid muting all tenants alerts for a long time.
Add silence on all tenants in examples/tenants.conf file
atm silence add alertname="test" --comment test-alert --duration 10m --tenant.file examples/tenants.conf
Silence added for 'tenant-a' tenant: 1fb1199b-6aec-4575-b6d4-cc5631b77326
Silence added for 'tenant-b' tenant: 0fed624d-2e62-43b8-a940-a337f40e4f05
atm couldn't view/expire silences because a silence could be created multiple time with the same matcher, so it's hard to know which silence to expire.