Test Automation platform using puppet and beaker on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
1/ Please fill the config file aws_auth with your IAM user credentials (access/secret key).
:aws_access_key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxx
:aws_secret_access_key: xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy
2/ Run the script deploy_beaker_env.sh that will create two containers:
- gitlab
- jenkins
The gitlab version used in the docker container is the community edition.
- Change the default password for the "root" user, by default 5iveL!fe
- Create your gitlab project
- Add a web hook like this "http://your-jenkins-server/gitlab/build_now"
For testing only, you can use the gitlab-sample-project repository for your gitlab project. See For testing only
Jenkins version has been fixed to the 1.596 and Dockerfile has been created to integrate beaker requirements.
Docker build source can be retrieved from here.
- Install the gitlab-hook plugin. That will install git-client and others dependencies required.
- Create your jenkins job with:
- parameterized build with string parameter BRANCH.
- configured git repository
- Modify your code
- Push it
- Watch the running jenkins job
- Get Tests Results
Before using it, you have to:
1/ Set the gitlab project address in bootstrap_puppetmaster.sh at line 125
:cachedir: /var/cache/r10k
basedir: /etc/puppet/environments
2/ Create "roles" and "modules" repositories in your gitlab (files are located in modules directory)
3/ Set the repositories addresses in Puppetfile at lines 28-31
mod "roles",
:git => ""
mod "profiles",
:git => ""
4/ Set AWS parameters in:
- ec2.yaml in config/image_template/
:foss: ami-3d9cc00d
:region: us-west-2
:foss: ami-3d50120d
:region: us-west-2
- app_server.cfg in spec/acceptance/nodesets
- master
platform: debian-wheezy-amd64-west
user: admin
subnet_id: subnet-XXXXXXX
vpc_id: vpc-XXXXXXX
amisize: t2.small
hypervisor: ec2
snapshot: foss
- agent
- app_server
platform: debian-wheezy-amd64-west
user: admin
subnet_id: subnet-XXXXXXX
vpc_id: vpc-XXXXXXX
amisize: t2.small
hypervisor: ec2
snapshot: foss