The package can be installed with Meteorite.
Type inside your application directory:
$ mrt add i18n
To add messages do:
Meteor.i18nMessages.someNamespace = {
optionalSubNamespace: { // You can have as many (sub-)sub-namespaces as you like.
yourMessage: {
en: {
US: 'Your {{message}} in American English', // Use {{}} to mark placeholders.
GB: 'Your {{message}} in British English'
de: 'Your {{message}} in German' // Territory is optional
anUntranslatedMessage: 'Your untranslated message' // If you don't set a language the same message will be returned for all languages.
To set the current locale do:
and to get the current locale do:
Meteor.getLocale(); // en_US
The locale is reactive and also stored in the localStorage (_TranslatorService.locale
) on the client in order to resist a page reload.
To translate a message from within your code simply call:
// A message with placeholder
var translatedMessage = __('someNamespace.optionalSubNamespace.yourMessage', {message: 'some placeholder content'});
// A message without placeholder
var anotherMessage = __('someNamespace.optionalSubNamespace.anUntranslatedMessage');
If you have feature requests or other feedback please write to
Contributions are welcome! Just make a pull request and I'll definitely check it out.
Thanks to @joernroeder, @mcevskb and @beshur for their contributions.