
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Meteor Logger


The package can be installed with Meteorite.

Type inside your application directory:

$ mrt add logger


The logger supports the following log levels:

Meteor.log.debug('some message');
Meteor.log.throw('...'); // Will throw an exception.

This works, too:

Meteor.log('some message'); // Equivalent to Meteor.log.info('some message')
Meteor.log('some message', 'error'); // Equivalent to Meteor.log.error('some message')

You can set the log level like this:

Meteor.log.setDebugLevel('info'); // or 'error', 'warn' or 'debug'. 'warn' is the default.


If you add the i18n package to your application then all messages will automatically be translated.

All the following are valid calls to the logger API:

Meteor.log.info('someMessageId', {param: '...'});
Meteor.log.throw('someMessageId', {param: '...'});
Meteor.log('someMessageId', {param: '...'});
Meteor.log('someMessageId', {param: '...'}, 'warning');
Meteor.log('someMessageId', 'warning');

See the i18n package README for further info about message IDs, translation parameters, etc.

Questions and Feature Requests

If you have feature requests or other feedback please write to jerico.dev@gmail.com.


Contributions are welcome! Just make a pull request and I'll definitely check it out.