
Increase /tmp directory mount

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Is there a way to increase the /tmp mount for the container?

After some investigation, I can see that the /tmp dir is hardcoded to 2GB (lib/vagrant-lxc/action/boot.rb on line 30). I've tried to redefine the mount point as below but it doesn't work.

lxc.vm.provider :lxc do |provider|
    provider.customize "mount.entry", "tmpfs tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=8G 0 0"

I was looking for this, also.

As a workaround I run a simple shell provision to remount /tmp.

config.vm.provision "shell", 
    inline: "mount -o remount,size=5G /tmp"

Couldn't get @alinefr work around working.
I just get the following error message:
mount: cannot remount block device tmpfs read-write, is write-protected

Or maybe it would be possible to get rid of the tmpfs mount altogether. This mount was added for #360 which mentioned LXC <v1.0 limitations. We're soon going to bump LXC's requirement to v1.0+.

I'm not familiar enough with the issue to be sure, but maybe that we could get rid of the mount while keeping #360 fixed.

I've removed the tmpfs mount altogether. There were some important considerations regarding potential host-side data loss as discussed in #68 and #360 but I think I've mitigated those risks in my commit.

It seems that my previous fix was a bad idea and I've reverting it in my PR at #456. This PR, however, also includes a new tmpfs_mount_size config that lets the user easily change the size of that mount or even disable it altogether. The default, however, stays as it was, 2G.