
Saliency code and datasets published in various journal and/or conference papers

This GitHub repo includes two main datasets, namely ETTO and EToCVD which are collections of eye-tracking data to be used for research purposes on visual attention, visual saliency and, more generally computer vision tasks.

ETTO stands for Eye-Tracking Through Objects, it may want to represent a collection of eye-movement data over images containing objects and having homogeneous backgrounds.

EToCVD (Eye-Tracking of Colour Vision Deficiencies) was built to gather eye-movements over a sequence of still images with people with and without Colour Vision Deficiencies.

Down below an example of single object image and its fixation point map out of ETTO

Down below an example with a colourful image and its fixation point map out of EToCVD

More details are provided in the Dataset Folders.


The above mentioned Eye-tracking datasets have been used to conduct experimental session and works on Visual Saliency. They have been published in various journal and/or conference papers.

If you are interested in working on the topic, email me at alessandrobruno10 at gmail dot com

If you use the datasets above please cite our following scientific publications:

@article{bruno2020multi, title={A Multi-Scale Colour and Keypoint Density-Based Approach for Visual Saliency Detection}, author={Bruno, Alessandro and Gugliuzza, Francesco and Pirrone, Roberto and Ardizzone, Edoardo}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={8}, pages={121330--121343}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} }

@inproceedings{ardizzone2012image, title={Image Quality Assessment by Saliency Maps}, author={Ardizzone, Edoardo and Bruno, Alessandro}, booktitle={VISAPP 2012}, pages={479--483}, year={2012} }

@inproceedings{ardizzone2017exploiting, title={Exploiting visual saliency algorithms for object-based attention: A new color and scale-based approach}, author={Ardizzone, Edoardo and Bruno, Alessandro and Gugliuzza, Francesco}, booktitle={International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing}, pages={191--201}, year={2017}, organization={Springer, Cham} }

@article{bruno2019image, title={Image Content Enhancement Through Salient Regions Segmentation for People With Color Vision Deficiencies}, author={Bruno, Alessandro and Gugliuzza, Francesco and Ardizzone, Edoardo and Giunta, Calogero Carlo and Pirrone, Roberto}, journal={i-Perception 10(3):204166951984107}, volume={10}, number={3}, year={2019}, publisher={SAGE} }