
Example GL File

gaxyz opened this issue · 3 comments

gaxyz commented


I am trying to run ngsLD, but I am having trouble figuring out the correct input format for genotype likelihoods. I tried beagle gzipped output and a modified version of it (for only one individual and four loci):

-1      0       0.333333        0.333333 

0       -1      0.458889        0.541111

0       2       0.000000        1.000000

-1      0       1.000000        0.000000

But it does not work (error:cannot read GZip GENO file. Check GENO file and number of sites!).

Could you please provide an example GL file?



You can check the description of the beagle format here.

gaxyz commented

Thanks for the prompt response. Just to be certain, it accepts beagle format as input?

yes, but is´t has to be gziped