
program killed

clydeandforth opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to calculate pairwise LD from genotype likelihoods in beagle format which have been estimated using Angsd. I get the following error when using ngsLD:

/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/38033308.SC: line 34: 16954 Killed ngsLD --geno "$PROBS" --n_ind 484 --n_sites "$NUM_SITES" --pos pos_file.txt --max_kb_dist 1000 --probs --call_geno --n_threads 24

I've been checking my input files with others such as those provided in issue #16 , but I can't find any difference in the files. Any idea what is causing the error?

I first load the following modules on torque/moab:

module purge
module load  tools gsl/2.7 perl/5.30.2 samtools/1.9 gcc/7.4.0 intel/perflibs/2020_update4 R/4.2.0 htslib/1.9 ngstools/20190624

Then program the run like this:

ngsLD --geno "$PROBS" --n_ind 484 --n_sites "$NUM_SITES" --pos pos_file.txt --max_kb_dist 1000 --probs --call_geno --n_threads 24

The first few lines of the beagle likelihoods file (abbreviated):

marker  allele1 allele2 Ind0    Ind0    Ind0 
Contig0_98      2       0       0.333333        0.333333        0.333333 

and the position file:
Contig0 98
Contig0 108
Contig0 114
Contig0 166
Contig0 176



Could it be that you are running out of memory? How big is your file? How much memory do you have?

Yes, it was just memory. My gzipped beagle file is 25Gb. I thought i had assigned a lot of memory and didn't appreciate how much the program would need, i.e 800Gb

resources_used.mem = 797652364kb
resources_used.vmem = 797953964kb

I'll close this
