
invalid distance between adjacent sites

etwatson opened this issue · 3 comments


I ran into an error running the ngsLD software and get the below output. I use the beagle input, and I have converted the positions in the file from de novo RAD sites to where these sites map to the reference genome. Maybe I have made an error in converting the site coordinates, so some help in understanding this error would do wonders.


--> Input Arguments:
geno: RILs.refpos.beagle.gz
probs: true
log_scale: false
n_ind: 71
n_sites: 7586
pos: RILs.refpos.beagle.sites
max_kb_dist (kb): 5
max_snp_dist: 0
min_maf: 0.001000
ignore_miss_data: false
call_geno: false
N_thresh: 0.000000
call_thresh: 0.000000
rnd_sample: 1.000000
seed: 1565042370
extend_out: false
out: RILs.ld
n_threads: 30
verbose: 1
version: 1.1.0 (Aug 1 2019 @ 14:12:13)
--> GZIP input file (not BINARY)
-> Reading data from file..
--> Calculating MAF for all sites...
--> Getting sites coordinates

ERROR: [read_pos] invalid distance between adjacent sites!

Numerical result out of range

Hey did you find out what the problem was here? I've run into the same issue.

It usually means that the sites are not sorted, so the distance between sites is negative.

Thanks for the follow up!