crêpe suzette

Primary LanguageJavaScript


crêpe suzette app alt text



  1. alt text
  2. you always dreamed to own you coworker on slack? this app is for you
  3. an awesome logo alt text


  1. nodejs
  2. slack chan
  3. drone parrot AR 2.0 ofc
  4. 2 wifi connection: 1 for internet and 1 for the drone

How to install, Damn EZ:

  1. npm install
  2. sudo apt-get install mplayer
  3. create a file named : config.js with your slack token and key

How to run it? still damn EZ:

  1. npm start

Slack command

suze @user will owned your opponent result will send you a private msg with total result

Dashboard website

Just access to http://localhost:3333/

how it works

alt text