Melon Benchmark

Benchmark of different implementations of Dijkstra algorithms.

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Build process

The build process requires CMake 3.12 ( or more and the Conan C++ package manager (

How to Compile



The benchmarks folder contains all the benchmarks data and plots performed on different CPUs with different compiler options.

Dijkstra benchmark plot Maximum Flow Strongly Connected Components

instance #nodes #arcs
USA-road-NY 264,346 733,846
USA-road-BAY 321,270 800,172
USA-road-COL 435,666 1,057,066
USA-road-FLA 1,070,376 2,712,798
USA-road-NW 1,207,945 2,840,208
USA-road-NE 1,524,453 3,897,636
--- --- ---
Web-Stanford 281,904 2,312,497
Amazon0505 410,236 3,356,824
WikiTalk 2,394,385 5,021,410