cdp-deploy is a bash script that will install a full single node CDP Data Center cluster using Cloudera Manager. The aim is that cdp-deploy will always install the latest version of CDP and Cloudera Manager which is currently available for download from the Cloudera website.
You will require a paywall username/password to download the bits and install. If you have access to CDF and its components, you can also set a flag for cdp-deploy to install those bits as well.
Latest installation version: CDP DC 7.1.4
cdp-deploy works only on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7. OpenJDK 8 will be used. PostgreSQL 10 will be the underlying database for all the components.
Your system needs at minimum 64GB RAM and at least 100GB disk space.
A good instance type on AWS would be: m5.4xlarge
An Internet connection is also required, as cdp-deploy will download various files required to perform the automated installation.
The general gist to use cdp-deploy:
yum -y install git
git clone
# Now run the script
If you have access to CDF through your trial period or as a customer, you can also direct cdp-deploy to add these components (NiFi, SMM, Schema Registry, Flow Registry) to the installation. You need to edit repo.env, and change the value to 0:
export CDPONLY=0
By default cdp-deploy will setup and download repositories directly from the internet. However it is also possible to use cdp-deploy in an "offline" mode, by editing the repo.env file and changing the value to 1 for:
export LOCALREPO=1
When cdp-deploy is finished, it will print the following to screen, as well as save it to /root/cm_install.txt
Add the following to your hosts file: cdp-7.1.4-test-0.home.local
You can now browse to: http://cdp-7.1.4-test-0.home.local:7180
username: admin
password: admin
cdp-deploy will fully install the following components:
- Atlas
- DAS-Lite
- HBase
- Hive
- Hue
- Kafka
- Ranger
- Spark2
- Sqoop
- Tez
- Oozie
- Yarn
- Zookeeper
If you enable CDF components, cdp-deploy will also install:
- Flow Registry
- NiFi
- Schema Registry