
Set of scripts to export flights from TripIt and import them into Flightdiary

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Set of scripts to export flights from TripIt and import them into Flightdiary. Quick and dirty.

TripIt setup

    "CLIENT_KEY": "*** API Key ***",
    "CLIENT_SECRET": "*** API Secret ***"
  • Install requierements with pip install -r requierements.txt
  • Run get_token.py
  • Click on the /authorize URL and follow the instructions
  • You will land at a "Page Not Found", that's normal
  • Copy the URL, which looks like https://www.tripit.com/oauth/foo?... back into the terminal
  • Put the tokens from the last line in creds.json
    "OAUTH_TOKEN": "*** oauth_token ***",
    "OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET": "*** oauth_token_secret ***"

Flightdiary setup

Just put username and password in creds.json

    "FD_USER": "*** USER ***",
    "FD_PASSWORD": "*** PASSWORD ***"


Run sync.py, it will add missing flight (as identified by date and flight number) that are in TripIt to Flightdiary. Additionally, you can run using the argument "-i " (e.g. sync.py -i tripit.json) to import the file generated when running tripit.py > tripit.json

Dumping all TripIt information

Run tripit.py, it will output a JSON of all your past trips.

You can then run ./jq.sh < tripit.json > tripit.txt to get a textual list of flights. (You need to install jq.)

Dumping Flightdiary flights

Run flightdiary.py, it will output a textual list of all your flights.

You can compare this list with the one on TripIt (for example before running the sync) like this:

./flightdiary.py | sort | diff -u - tripit.txt

Any lines starting with + are the ones that sync.py will add (unless it's just the airports codes that are wrong).