Trajectory Prediction Correction


Three datasets that were used can be downloaded from Brain4cars, CULane and NGSIM For Brain4Cars, videos are extracted into images with the fps=25 under each directory. The file name format is e.g. "image-0001.png". You can use the script in datasets/annotation to extract images: Copy this file to the directory of "face_camera", and then run this script. For NGSIM, the raw data needs to be preprocessed from preprocess_data.m into .m files. For CULane, download the dataset and extract them to $CULANEROOT. Create link to data directory.

mkdir -p data
ln -s $CULANEROOT data/CULane

For CULane, you should have a structure like this:

$CULANEROOT/driver_xx_xxframe    # data folders x6
$CULANEROOT/laneseg_label_w16    # lane segmentation labels
$CULANEROOT/list                 # data lists


Lane Estimation

For training, run

python [configs/path_to_your_config] --gpus [gpu_num]

For example, run

python configs/clrnet/ --gpus 0

For testing, run

python [configs/path_to_your_config] --[test|validate] --load_from [path_to_your_model] --gpus [gpu_num]

For example, run

python configs/clrnet/ --validate --load_from culane_dla34.pth --gpus 0

Currently, this code can output the visualization result when testing, just add --view. We will get the visualization result in work_dirs/xxx/xxx/visualization.

Intention Recognition

The dataset using 5-fold cross validaton. Run script in directory datasets/annotation to split.

You can use the five .csv files in datasets/annotation and skip this step.

The can be run on 3D-ResNet 50 to train the model. You can also continue training from the .pth in the directory. Some notes are:

  1. root_path: path to this project.

  2. annotation_path : path to annotation directory in this project.

  3. video_path: path to image frames of driver videos.

  4. pretrain_path: path to the pretrained 3D ResNet 50 model.

  5. n_fold: is the number of the fold. Here, n_fold is from 0 to 4.

  6. sample_duration: the length of input vidoes. Here, 16 frames.

  7. end_second: the second before the maneuver. Here, end_second is from 1 to 5.

E.g. end_second = 3, frames which are 3 seconds (including the third second) before maneuver are given as input.

More details about other args, please refer to the

Trajectory Prediction

There are two directories, one for a convolution-based network (Traj_Pred_conv), another for a transformer based network (Traj_Pred_transf). The training weights are saved in both files. The deployment code is also included. For further training, run with training mode on. Validation scripts are also included. The conda environment needed to run the files is included in the xml.