
Dotfiles for macOS, Arch Linux, Ubuntu and my Synology NAS

Primary LanguageShell

My dotfiles

Complete setup for macOS, Arch Linux, Debian/Ubuntu, Android (Termux) and Synology NAS.

Installs useful binaries (bat, colordiff, curl, fzf, git-delta, htop, gdu, …), the Starship prompt and zsh as default shell.



# Create config directory
mkdir -p ~/.config/chezmoi/

# Download and render config file template
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fhemberger/dotfiles/main/.chezmoi.yaml.tmpl \
  | chezmoi execute-template -o ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml

# Edit ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml, then
chezmoi init --apply https://github.com/fhemberger/dotfiles.git

What gets installed?


  • Shell: zsh
  • Archive management: unp, unrar, unzip, zip
  • Tools: bat, colordiff, curl, direnv, dnsutils, fd, fzf, git-delta, htop, jq, nano, gdu, (neo)vim, nmap, ranger, rsync, tmux, ufw, wget


Arch Linux

Synology NAS

Requires Entware's opkg package manager. It can be installed using the Easy Bootstrap Installer package.