
All my projects in the school 42

Primary LanguageC

Logo 42


This is my personal reposiotory for what I've done and what I'm doing at the school 42 in C programming language.

======================== WHAT YOU CAN FIND HERE : ==============================

  1. Projects already done:

    • piscine_reloaded : First project of our cursus:

      Learning C programming with basics exercises. Final grade: 100/100

    • Libft :

      Consisted in coding our own Standard C Library. Final grade: 124/100 Currently working on a new version !

    • Fillit :

      Algorithm, wich places tetriminos (pieces of Tetris ©) gave in file, to make the smallest square with it. It use a backtracking algorithm. Final grade: 100/100

    • Get_next_line

      A C function wich permit to read all the lines of a specific file, identified by the file descriptor. Final grade: 125/100

    • Fil de Fer(FR)/Iron wire(EN)

      A program to interpret 2 Dimensions maps gave by a file in argument, to draw it with a 3D effect. Using MLX - API, wich use AppKit & OpenGL. Final grade: 125/100

    • ft_printf

      In this project, I had to code Standard C Library function printf() Final grade: 86/100

    • ft_ls

      in this project, I had to code the shell command ls Final grade 107/100

    • minishell

      In this project, I had to code my own shell ! Final grade: 109/100

  2. Current projects

    • Push Swap

      In this project, I have to sort two stacks fast as I can !

    • Select

      In this project, I have to do a shell basic user interface, using termcaps

  3. Others

    • tests

      The directory where I'm doing almost all my tests ;)

    • gitignore

      Ignoring binary executable for the test directory & the .swp cache files.