
The project is built with React, which lets store books, using the interface to add the title, author and choose a category, The book will be displayed at the top, and you can remove it whenever you like.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bookstore is a project built with React redux, implemented with Ducks files structure and, React Router to interact between the different tabs of the project. You can manage information of a book interact with an API.


Built With

  • JavaScript
  • React Framework
  • Redux

Live Demo

Demo link.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/fherrerao/Bookstore.git using your terminal or command line.
  • Change to the project directory by entering :
    cd Bookstore in the terminal


You should install in your local machine the last version of React.


You can clone this repository using the next command: git clone https://github.com/fherrerao/Bookstore.git.


After clone the repository, you should to run npm install since the terminal to install all dependencies needed to the correct working of the project.


You're free to use this project however it is developed for educational purposes. You can check the acknowledgment described below.


👤 Fernando Herrera


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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.