The project is about a tourism company offering trips around the world. Here you can find some images of clients making their trips in previous years.
- Html
- Css
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone this repository with git clone
using your terminal or command line. - Change to the project directory by entering :
cd Capstone-Project
in the terminal
You should install in your local machine a code editor like Visual Studio Code.
You can clone this repository using the next command: git clone
After clone the repository, you should to run npm install
since the terminal to install all dependencies needed to the correct working of the project.
You're free to use this project however it is developed for educational purposes. You can check the acknowledgment described below.
👤 Fernando Herrera
- GitHub: @fherrerao
- Twitter: @fherrera0206
- Linkedin: Fernando H.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
All the template colors, font, layout distribution for the whole project were designed by Cindy Shin on Behance. Check Cindy for more amazing GUI and Graphic designs!
Some Icons were provided by Fontawesome, and the images were provided by Pixabay.
This project is MIT licensed.