A simple synchronized guitar tab viewer that allows multiple people to see the same song and coordinate playing it. You need to run a small server (can be local) for web sockets to work. Each user simply opens the web app in their browser.
Build using alphaTab.
cd server
pnpm i
cd app
pnpm i
cd server
npm run dev
cd app
npm run dev
cd server
npm start
cd app
npm start
- Connect a device's browser to the URL shown in the console when starting the app
- Make sure the signal bars icon at the bottom left is green (connection to server works)
- Connect more devices
- Click the file button next to the signal bars to open a Guitar Pro file and display it on all clients
- Interact with the tab, e.g., set a speed and activate count-in; this should be reflected by all clients
- Play together!
- Some settings are not synced, such as the instrument shown, metronome, zoom, page layout
play/pauseCTRL + space
stop and go to beginningl
toggle loopingc
toggle count-ins
toggle sendingr
toggle receiving+
zoom in-
zoom outArrowLeft
previous barArrowRight
next bar
- use serve to host web socket server and app on the same hostname
- allow the user to disable sending and/or receiving temporarily
- keyboard shortcuts
- sync file
- sync play/pause
- sync loop and count-in
- sync speed
- sync jumping
- sync selection
- allow muting each instrument
- allow soloing each instrument
- allow setting the volume of each instrument
- allow choosing Tab/ScoreTab/Score