
Primary LanguagePython



pip install emoji ghapi pygithub

Github Stars <-> STARFARM_DIR

Github Stars (read only)-> tags_unsorted.yaml

tags.yaml -> REPO_TAG_DIR

tags_unsorted.yaml (read only) -> REPO_TAG_DIR

To use:

  • install requirements
  • add your github PAT token and paste into globals.py - or use pass
  • edit/confirm locations for STARFARM_DIR, REPO_TAG_DIR, PLUGIN_DIR in globals.py
  • create tags.yaml in $HOME/.config/starfarm

Example tags.yaml

- jarun/nnn
- kovidgoyal/kitty

- xcad2k/boilerplates
- geerlingguy/ansible-for-devops

- i3/i3
- JonnyHaystack/i3-resurrect
- eliep/i3-layouts

- cdown/aur
  • append * to tag name and the script won't star the repo any starred repos that are nvim plugins (PLUGIN_DIR) won't be cloned (I don't need 2 instances of the same repo on my machine) script will never unstar repos only 1 symlink target per repo can exist within REPO_TAG_DIR


when starring a repo online

  • newly starred repo is cloned into STARFARM_DIR
  • repo is added to tags_unsorted.yaml
  • symlink is created in REPO_TAG_DIR (unsorted tag automatically applied)

when unstarring a repo online:

  • unstarred repo is removed from STARFARM_DIR
  • repo is removed from tags_unsorted.yaml if it exists
  • (note): if the repo is in tags.yaml, it also has to be deleted to unstar the repo, otherwise it will be cloned on next run.

add repos to tags.yaml:

  • newly added repo is cloned into STARFARM_DIR
  • symlink is created in REPO_TAG_DIR in the tag folder

move repos from tags_unsorted.yaml to tags.yaml to categorize unsorted repos:

  • symlink is removed from REPO_TAG_DIR unsorted tag folder
  • symlink is created in REPO_TAG_DIR tag folder
  • (note): if you add new repos to tags_unsorted.yaml they will be deleted (file is read-only)

starm supports: starfarm has to support: download individual files star/download whole organizations - nvim-telescope gitlab private repos