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Bahasa Inggris = arti

Kalimat Sapaan

Bahasa Inggris = arti
Hey, How are you? Hai, Apa Kabar
Hello, it's nice to see you! Halo,senang bisa melihatmu
Nice to meet you senang bertemu denganmu
How's it going? Bagaimana sekarang
Good to see you senang Bertamu kamu
its been a while sudah lama
its pleasure to meet you senang bertemu denganmu?
How's life? bagaimana kabarmu?
How have you been? Bagaimana kabar anda?
How are you doing Apa kabarmu?
pleased to meet you senang bertemu dengan anda
How's your day bagaimana harimu

Kalimat Tanya Jawab

Bahasa Inggris = arti
what is your name siapa namamu
what are you looking for? apa yang sedang kamu cari?
what do you like to do? kamu sukanya ngapain?
what's in your mind? apa yang kamu pikirkan?
what did you buy? apa yang kamu beli?
what time is it? jam berapa sekarang?
what is your job? apa pekerjaanmu?
what's the problem? apa masalahnya?
where should we go? keman kita harus pergi?

Kosa Kata

Bahasa Inggris = arti
always selalu
actualy sebenarnya
usualy biasanya
sometimes kadang-kadang
suddenly tiba-tiba
after setealh
before sebelum
accompany menemany
admire mengagumi
adventure petualangan
affection kasih sayang
afraid takut
after setelah
alone sendirian
another yang lain
anything apapun
anywhere dimanapun
arrogant sombong
autumn Musim Gugur
available tersedia
behavior Tingkah Laku
afraid takut
afternoon sore
another yang lain
behavior tingkah laku
behind dibelakang
believe percaya
beside disamping
big besar
bread roti
breakfast sarapan pagi
bridge jembatan
candle lilin
candy permen
conversation percakapan
challenge Tantangan
chance peluang
childhood Masa Kecil
church gereja
conversation Percakapan
confident percaya diri
congratulation selamat
country Negara
crazy gila
cry menangis
curious penasaran
cute imut
dangerous berbahaya
dark gelap

Note If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use node from the command prompt.







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