
An app to create a diary entry every day

Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Daily Diary

F-droid version Github version

Jot down whatever you want throughout the day and the app will reset the next morning. All previous days are stored in plaintext files which can be exported and moved to a different device.

Settings are stored in a config.toml file that can also be moved between devices.

Get it on F-Droid

or get the APK from the Releases Section.


The main diary writing screen with nothing written yet Settings screen
A screen of the previous entries A previous diary entry displaying sugar consumption: Burbon cream, 1½ waffles with butter, 2 squares of chocolate, Lint chocolate, 3 Biscuits with butter An entry from Shakespeare's diary: Good day My name is William Shakespeare. I am nine years of age and live at Mary Arden's Farm. I attend King's New School of Stratford-upon-Avon. My favourite lesson is Latin, however I have always quite enjoyed English Literature. My mother, Mary Arden, said I should start writing because of the creative stories I tell. In all honesty, they are pretty good. So I decided to start writing this diary and fill it with stories about school and home as well as my ideas. Who knows, maybe they will be worth something one day. Well, that's all for now. I am going with my father, John Shakespeare, to the workshop. He is a successful whittawer, or leather worker. Maybe, if father teaches me, I could be as good as him when I grow up. Fare thee well.


This app is made with Flutter and can be ran with

flutter run

or compiled for your respective device with one of:

flutter build apk
flutter build appbundle
flutter build ios
flutter build linux
flutter build windows
flutter build macos


This software is licenced under the GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENCE.