These are my dotfiles. I manage them with chezmoi and Nix Home Manager.
is a simple but flexible Git-based dotfiles tool.
is a package manager, configuration and programming language and OS. I use it with the Home Manager project to be able to use recent versions of the terminal tools I love, anywhere, regardless of OS, and completely native, i.e. no VMs or OCI containers.
Some of the tools I manage with these config files are:
- neovim, a powerful fully-featured IDE that runs in the terminal. I use a very close to vanilla LazyVim and am very happy with its ease of use and documentation
- kanshi, which I used in combination with SwayWM to manage external displays on my laptop.
- gitui and lazygit. I initially used gitui, but due to a problem with SSH keys, I moved to lazygit, which I have been using with completely default setup so far.
- tmux. I customised some bindings to harmonize them with LazyVim and added a tokyo-night theme using Tmux Plugin Manager
- zsh with a simple oh-my-zsh config
Make sure you have git
Then install chezmoi, pull and apply the latest version of these dotfiles with a single command:
git --version && sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
Then, install Nix:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
Finally, install home-manager:
nix-channel --add home-manager
nix-channel --update
nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install