
Primary LanguagePython


This program will perform summary statistics imputation for one phenotype that is hard-to-collect using a set of easy-to-collect phenotypes.

Example of usage: python imputeStatFromSummary.py -i YOURPATH/inputHaemRBC/ -n HaemGenRBC -f Logferr -o test -r correlation.data

This command will try to impute the Logferr level using the corretion between all the phenotypes.

  1. It assumes that correlation.data is a matrix with column header name. For example:
Ferr Logferr HB HCT MCH
1 0.81605436 0.24744599 0.240321683 0.2438617
0.81605436 1 0.35014108 0.32478465 0.27789617
0.24744599 0.35014108 1 0.942558624 0.26752607
0.24032168 0.32478465 0.94255862 1 0.10669593
0.2438617 0.27789617 0.26752607 0.106695931 1
  1. It assymes that YOURPATH has a folder name inputHaemRBC and there should exists set of files in YOURPATH/inputHaemRBC/ where each file should be name as follow:

HaemGenRBC_HB.txt HaemGenRBC_HCT.txt HaemGenRBC_MCH.txt

We assume that HB, HCT, and MCH are the name of phenotypes. In other words the name of files in YOURPATH/inputHaemRBC/ should match the header of correlation.data.