
Send SMS messages in node via Nvoip SMS API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tested with jest jest


Send SMS messages in node via Nvoip SMS API.


Install nvoip-node-sms from npm

with yarn:

yarn add nvoip-node-sms

or alternatively using npm:

npm install --save nvoip-node-sms


With yarn:

yarn test

or alternatively using npm:

npm run test

Basic usage

To be able to send messages, you'll need an access token provided by Nvoip. You can get it by signing in on https://www.nvoip.com.br. After signing in, go to 'Configurações' > 'Integrações' and click the button 'Abrir' on the 'ExactSales' div to launch a pop up window. You should be able to copy the token string (the string that follows the word 'Token') from there.

// Import the client factory function:

const { createClient } = require('nvoip-node-sms');

// or alternatively using ES6 imports:
// import { createClient } from 'nvoip-node-sms';

// Instantiate a client:

const client = createClient({ authToken: '523abc21d8b659bc19553d5ce5b42' });

// Send a message!

client.sendSms('1111111111', 'Hi!')
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

// That's it!

Command line utility

nvoip-node-sms bundles with a simple command line utililty that enables you to send messages without the need to write any code.

You can check the available options using

./bin/send-sms --help

Be sure the script has the necessary permissions to execute. You can, of course, use chmod +x ./bin/send-sms for that.

Its also possible to run it without installation using npx.



Creates a client for sending messages.


  • config Object» a configuration object:
    • authToken «String» the authentication token.
    • [url] «String» the API endpoint.
    • [request] «Function» custom request function. (see the request module for more details).


A SMS client «SmsClient».


const client = createClient({
  url: 'https://api.nvoip.com.br/v1/sms',
  authToken: '523abc21d8b659bc19553d5ce5b42',

SmsClient.prototype.sendSms(phoneNumber, textMessage)

  • phoneNumber «String» a phone number containing nothing but digits.
  • textMessage «String» the message to be sent.


A promise «Promise» containing the API response data.


  • «MessageValidationError» if the textMessage is invalid.
  • «PhoneNumberValidationError» if the phoneNumber is invalid.
  • «HttpRequestError» if the HTTP request failed.


const client = createClient({
  authToken: '523abc21d8b659bc19553d5ce5b42',

client.sendSms('121212121', 'How are you doing?')
  .then(data => console.log(data));

Error Handling

A collection of errors are provided in order to enable proper error handling and control flow. You can safely use the instanceof operator in a catch block to detemine the precise source and cause of the error.

Error hierarchy:

  • «SmsClientError»
    • «HttpRequestError»
    • «ValidationError»
      • «PhoneNumberValidationError»
      • «MessageValidationError»

Check the errors module for more details.


const {
} = require('nvoip-node-sms');

// Immediately invoked asynchronous function
(async () => {

  // ...

  const client = createClient({
    authToken: '523abc21d8b659bc19553d5ce5b42',

  // ...

  let response;

  try {
    response = await client.sendSms('1125235235', 'Hi!');
  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof ValidationError) {
      console.error('error: be more careful with your input!');
    } else if (err instanceof HttpRequestError) {
      console.error('error: maybe check your network connection?!');
    } else {
      // Unknown error, don't treat it:
      throw err;


  // ...

// ...