
Suncel NextJS Portfolio Website for Developer's

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

📖 Documentation

Have a look to our documentation

🎉 Starter features

The starter includes all the configuration required by Suncel(admin, preview, page render, etc...). You just need to update your API keys in the .env

it will includes Tailwind CSS.

On top of that, you have a Block example and a wrapper of the rich text with some style that you are free to modify.

🛠️ Suncel Setup


  • Create your Suncel account here
  • Create a project

API Keys

  • After creating an account, head over to the project settings you created earlier.
  • Go to the API section, grab your Keys.
  • In your project rename the .env.example to .env
  • Insert your API Keys in the .env of your project.

Ready to go

  • Create your blocks in react.
  • Access the admin via /admin
  • Build your pages with the page builder

📧 Contact

Whether you'd like to discuss about this starter template or simply say "hello", I'd love to hear from you.
