👞 RocketShoes

Made by FelipeHuffner GitHub language count GitHub last commit Code size Stargazers

📑 Resume of application

This is a shopping cart and it's possible buy new shoes. Just add sneakers to your cart, as long as the quantity is available. In addition, this project was developed during the Ignite of Rocketseat.

Home Cart

🎲 Running the project

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/fhuffner91/shoppingCart
# Access the project folder in the terminal/cmd
$ cd shopping-cart-react
# Run the server
$ yarn server
# Run the application
$ yarn start

👨‍💻 Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

📰 Acknowledgments

  • React
  • Jest
  • Hook
  • Redux

Feito com ♥️ by Felipe Huffner 👋!