
Small Dockerfile to support the fdroid network with new repo mirrors


Small dockerfile to support the fdroid network with an additional repo mirror.

Table of Contents

About the Project

I want to contribute to a project I personally use. So I started to wirte a dockerfile to easily support the fdroid network with another mirror. Right now only the main repo will be mirrored.

Getting Started

Have ~50GB free space for the "main" repo and optional ~150 GB space for the archive. Create an docker volume, get some monitoring environment done and start the container. For more information visit https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Running_a_Mirror/


  • docker
  • JrCs docker environment for a reverse proxy and certificates
  • rsync password from fdroid


docker build -t fdroid-mirror --build-arg domain=your.domain.tld --build-arg \
RSYNC_PASSWORD=thepassword --no-cache .

docker volume create fdroid-repo


docker run --name fdroid-mirror-repo -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-v fdroid-repo:/var/www/fdroid/fdroid/repo/ fdroid-mirror:latest




  • Complete the readme
  • Checkout some docker best practices to make a proper docker file
  • Improve fixes
  • Add archive
  • Create an docker hub account


  • Limit Bandwidth: docker exec -t containername tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 32kbit latency 400ms