
yummy file eater

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#yums is a yummy file muncher that helps you do your job

npm i -g yums

#program stuff

we thought a useful and known pattern for file watching on npm scripts with npm-parallel

like so:

"scripts" : {
	'watch': 'parallel yums'		

make yummyfile.js in directory where you are running yums from

module.exports = function (yums) {
	yums.watch('**/*.js',		// path, file, glob to watch				
		( path ) => {
			// do stuff with .js files

when you call yums, it looks for yummyfile.js in current directory and starts watching with definitions



takes a third option -> options that extends default chokidar options

returns a watcher so you can override anything you want

	.on('add', fn)
	.on('change', fn)
	.on('unlink', fn)
	.on('unlinkDir', fn)
	.on('error', fn)
	.on('ready', fn)
	.on('raw', fn)



extends default options

#help view chokidar for help with watchers view source, it's really simple