How to use this yourself?!

  • What is a Markov chain?
  • Set yourself up for the Twitter API! Here is an example with instructions for creating an app and obtaining keys/access tokens.
  • Make a (gitignored because security!) It needs to look like this:
API_KEY = <your_api_key>
API_SECRET_KEY = <your_secret_key>
ACCESS_TOKEN = <your_access_token>
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = <your_access_token_secret>
  • The specific MarkovBot we use is not the pypi one, so you can install it locally right in this directory. Sue me.
  • Choose your seed words, and update the list in accordingly.
  • Ensure you have the Twitter libraries we need: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python . This should be Python 3+, of course, unless you wanna go to Unicode hell.