
node dependency trees as a service.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository dependency structure:

If you want to use one in your repo's README.md or anywhere else, use a link like these:

The query string arguments are set in the dot string as properties of the graph. You can use most of them. Documentation is at http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/dotguide.pdf.

Please don't abuse this service. Since the server is a free Glitch instance it will fail if under heavy load or if you try to fetch a super huge project (GitHub caches images, so it is mostly safe to use it in README.md).

The graphs are made with Viz.js.

If you want to browse dependencies (for a lot of languages) better, you should try the Module Linker browser extension.

If you want more unrelated sugar in your GitHub README.md, you should try https://github.com/tj/gh-polls or https://ght.trackingco.de/.

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