
Demo provider, source code for the Provider tutorial.

Primary LanguageRust

Fiberplane "Catnip" (tutorial) provider

This repository contains the final code of the provider built within the "Create a Provider" tutorial.

It relies on the JSON placeholder API to provide features.


# It a data_sources.yaml file
- name: tutorial-provider
  description: Tutorial provider
  providerType: catnip
    endpoint: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
    accept: true
    numRetries: 1

Differences from the tutorial

The differences all lie in the release management:

  • there is an additional section in the cargo configuration, that adds flags for release builds to shrink the output as much as possible
  • there is an additional one-liner alias that will rebuild a release candidate of the catnip provider (a --release build that gets another pass through wasm-opt)