
For those people that have doubts about enrolling in school, DO NOT HAVE!

It's not easy, it requires a lot of dedication, organization and resilience! We make mistakes all the times, and we have to start over several times, but in the end when we can see the project working, the feeling of realisation is fantastic. I will tell you a little of my experience, for those who start this journey realize that everything is possible and never think about giving up!
To contextualize my situation. When I did Piscine, I worked full-time, had a 15-month-old baby and had no experience in coding. This is to say that if I managed to get into the course, anyone can.

Time is a matter of organization and sacrifice. Of course I had an expetacular support network, both at school and at home, however at the end of the day it all depends on you and your ability to overcome adversibility.
Although I won't go into too many details about piscine's content, one piece of advice I give is if you're a worker like me, if you can take a week or two off, TAKE IT! At the beginning it is always better, because we are all at the same level, and manage to create friendships and ask for help more easily.
The concept of the Piscine, is to perform the maximum of modules that we can, and pass the exams! So copy is out of the question, because one of the main points of evaluation is the consistency of results and the evolution!
It makes no sense to deliver 10 modules and get to the exam and get a bad grade! That's not the point of school.
And attention is not just the grades that are considered to enter the course. One of the things that they have a lot of consideration is if whether you're an active community member, if you make evaluations, if you have good feedbaks from colleagues, if you help everyone when you can. The concept of school is just that... you learn from others and others learn from you! you are a teacher and a student at the same time.

To conclude, I came a little on discovery and found that I love coding, and I love the concept of school! I believe it's not for everyone, and there's no problem at all, that's why there are a lot of different types of learning and various types of school, you just have to find the one that best suits you!

Good luck in this new stage! and don't forget to ask for help! and help those you see that are with difficulty.