
Python scripts to convert Satisfactory save files to JSON and back

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


IMPORTANT This repository is currently not maintained. It was mainly created to reverse engineer the save files and is not very performant. You can find a maintained version written in TypeScript at satisfactory-json.

Repository containing the scripts I used to dissect the save files of Satisfactory.

Contains two scripts to convert to a readable json format and back to a sav file.

usage: sav2json.py [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--pretty] FILE

Converts Satisfactory save games into a more readable format
usage: json2sav.py [-h] [--output OUTPUT] FILE

Converts from the more readable format back to a Satisfactory save game

Other useful repositories

Save file to json converter written in Go

Web app to visualize save files

Save file editor for Windows written in C#