
Puppet dashboard for PuppetDB 3.x

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


PanoPuppet is still under development so be prepared for big changes. All config will be taken from a specific file. There will be a example config file you can work from, but remember that when upgrading to a new version panopuppet may break and you will need to follow the instructions specified in the upgrade section of this readme.

While panopuppet is very stable there may be a few bugs here and there. I appreciate any Pull Requests or Issues created for me to take a look at. While there are no tests today to verify functionality, I am working on creating tests for verification.

Thank you for taking your time to try PanoPuppet.

Table of Contents


  • Fast and easy to use
  • Uses PuppetDB API to retrieve information
  • Filebucket and Fileserver support
  • Diff support between old and new file
  • Fully featured Dashboard for use with PuppetDB
  • Analytics Page providing insight into your puppet environment
  • LDAP Authentication
  • LDAP Group Permissions - Restrict which servers a group can view
  • Events Analyzer (Like Events Inspector from Puppet Enterprise)
  • Search nodes by facts and subqueries (Query Builder)
  • Export data to CSV with or without selected facts


  • PuppetDB requires at least PuppetDB 3.0 or higher (PDB 2.x is no longer supported from release v1.0.0)
  • Puppetv3
  • Python3
  • Install requirements listed in requirements.txt
  • Recommended to use virtualenv (+ virtualenvwrapper)

Supported Operating Systems

  • RHEL6,7
  • CentOS6,7
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Debian 8 (jessie) - LDAP issues)

Notes about puppetv4

  • Puppetv4 has changed the endpoints for the filebucket and fileserver so you will not be able to view files

It also assumes that you store puppet run reports in PuppetDB To be able to use Filebucket and Fileserver features and file diffs you will need to have puppet masters filebucket and fileserver enabled.

Future plans

  • Docker image to quickly install a panopuppet dashboard


PanoPuppet, Panorama Puppet or PP is a web frontend that interfaces with PuppetDB and gives you a panorama view over your puppet environment(s). Its coded using Python3 using the Django Framework for the web interface and requests library to interface with puppetDB. It also uses Bootstrap for the CSS and Jquery for some tablesorting.

The interface was written originally as an idea from work, we have tried to use different types of web interfaces that show the status of the puppet environment. Most of them were too slow, too bloated to give us the information we wanted quickly. Why should PuppetDB which has an amazing response time suffer from a slow frontend. When you reach a point where the environment could have over 20k puppetized nodes you need something fast.

This was written for a multi-tenant site across several datacenters.



  • I have seen some issues with the querybuilder and the usage of comparison operators. If you have stringify_facts enabled you may not be able to use the less/less or equal/greater/greater or equal operators since its not possible to compare string values "123" with "124". You will only be able to use the equal operator for these values.
  • Some new changes implemented for the querybuilder has changed how it works. To use the Querybuilder you must now be aware that resource queries in the same GROUP are all applied to the same group. if you want to do two different resource queries you must add a new group and put in there. It provides more flexibility to the querybuilder since you are able to specify which equality operator you want for each "filter".

See the below examples:

Querybuilder Example Query 1

Querybuilder Example Query 2


Login Page

Login Page

Dashboard - Recent Tab is the default view

Here you get a quick view over your puppet environment, it shows a summary over the failed, changed, pending and unreported nodes. There also is another interesting value you get, the "Missmatching Timestamps" Since there is currently no implemented way in puppetdb to report nodes with failed catalog compilations or runs this compares the three different timestamps. Usually the facts are calculated first and if the latest catalog timestamp is not within a few minutes of the latest facts timestamp its quite accurate to assume that the compilation has failed. Dashboard

Radiator View

Just like the Puppetdashboard radiator view, colours match those of bootstrap and status colours used in PanoPuppet. Radiator View

Nodes View

Here you see all the nodes in paginated iew. You can sort the data by any column. You also get a quick link to the latest report if there are any events available. Nodes View

Nodes Search

Nodes Search Results Nodes Search Results

Loading Queries

Querybuilder Example Loading Query

Nodes Reports

Lists each report available for this node, also urlifys the hash id for the report there are any events linked to it. Node Reports View

Nodes Download CSV with specified Facts

With PanoPuppet you can now download a CSV file with the nodess retrieved and you are also able to download them with certain facts appended to the list for each node Node CSV Download

Nodes Report Events

You can see detailed information for each report event. If you have the feature activated you can even get files from the Filebucket, PuppetDB resource and Fileserver. If both files are available you will be able to get a diff between the files. Node Report Events View

Node Report Events Execution Times

This graph shows the 10 highest execution times for the puppet run. Node Report Events Execution Times

Latest Run Graphs

Information and events for the latest puppet runs are analyzed and graphs are drawn to show information about the (up to 100 last runs if available) showing the puppet run times and a baseline value as the average run time. It also shows a breakdown over the percentage of classes changed for the latest puppet runs and percentages over failed, successs and pending Latest Run Analytics

Events Analytics

The events analyzer lets you quickly see which class, resource, type and node is failing in your environment. If you have 1000 nodes failing, you can quickly identify and see if the class "ntp" is failing for all 1000 nodes. Latest Events Analytics Latest Events Analytics Latest Events Analytics

LDAP Permissions

If you have enabled Permissions on users via the config file ENABLE_PERMISSIONS: true By default no normal user (user that is not superuser or staff) will be able to see any servers found in PuppetDB. You must then go to the django admin page http://<panopuppet-URL>/puppetadmin, log in as a staff or superuser and add the users group into the Ldap group permissionss table. The whole CN for the group must be specified. cn=puppetusers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com You must also specify a PuppetDB query which will be appended to all queries made. The query must use subqueries as it must be able to support all endpoints. It is highly recommened to use the puppetdb query and generate the query you want to apply.

When the user logs in he or she will only be able to see the results of the puppetdb query you specified for that group.

Superuser and staff groups

It is possible to make sure that all users in a specific group are allowed to log in to the admin page and see all nodes by using the two below config options: LDAP_SUPERUSER_GRP: 'cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com' LDAP_STAFF_GRP:

  • 'cn=staff,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
  • 'cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'

You can specify them as a normal string or by specifying them as a list.

Member of Multiple Groups

If a user is a member of multiple groups which have restrictions set for each one each rule found will be added in an puppetDB OR operator, like so. ["and", ["or", [rule1],[rule2]]]


Problems with python-ldap python 3 fork.

I had some issues installing python-ldap using the python3 fork on a RHEL6 server Here are some of the issues I had...

  • missing dependencies - yum install python-devel openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel
  • GCC not compiling the python-ldap module... Follow instructions here... http://bugs.python.org/issue21121

For other OS other than RHEL and CentOS

While the general directions below work for any OS the package names are most likely different.

A user yotaka has provided me with the packages needed for ubuntu trusy.

apt-get install git gcc make apache2 python3 python3-dev libldap2-dev cyrus-sasl2-dbg libsasl2-dev 
python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

Yotaka also experienced some issues looking like this...

[Tue Jun 23 17:34:17.205468 2015] [:error] [pid 12269:tid 139819172513664] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py'>
[Tue Jun 23 17:34:17.205496 2015] [:error] [pid 12269:tid 139819172513664] Traceback (most recent call last):
[Tue Jun 23 17:34:17.205509 2015] [:error] [pid 12269:tid 139819172513664]   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 1288, in _shutdown
[Tue Jun 23 17:34:17.205985 2015] [:error] [pid 12269:tid 139819172513664]     assert tlock is not None
[Tue Jun 23 17:34:17.206000 2015] [:error] [pid 12269:tid 139819172513664] AssertionError:

If you happen to come across the same problem here is the solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/569550/assertionerror-using-apache2-and-libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3-on-ubuntu-14-04-python


This installation "guide" assumes that panopuppet has been extracted to /srv/repo
mkdir -p /srv/repo
cd /srv/repo
git clone https://github.com/propyless/panopuppet.git panopuppet
  1. Add the IUS and EPEL repository
$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/CentOS/6/x86_64/ius-release-1.0-11.ius.centos6.noarch.rpm
  1. Now we can install python 3.x and the ldap dependencies for the python-ldap module $ sudo yum install python33 python33-devel openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel gcc make
Side note: You should install virtualenv if you do not already use it because its fantastic.
$ sudo yum install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
  1. Install httpd and mod_wsgi for python33 $ sudo yum install httpd python33-mod_wsgi

  2. We will now if configure virtualenv abit.

I usually add the lines below to my .bashrc file and set some environment variables used for virtualenv.
export WORKON_HOME=/srv/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=/srv/repo
source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

After adding the above lines we need to create the /srv/.virtualenvs directory. $ mkdir /srv/.virtualenvs

  1. Create a virtualenv instance for panopuppet. (Make sure that you sourced the bashrc file after modifying it) $ which python3 This will give us the path to python3 which we installed at step 2. $ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 panopuppet You now have a python virtualenv in /srv/.virtualenvs/panopuppet, if you run the below command you will see that python3 is chosen from the .virtualenv directory. $ which python3 If you want to use the system python3 binary again you can run the command $ deactivate

  2. If you ran the deactivate command, run the below command to activate the virtualenv again. workon panopuppet

7)We will install the python modules needed for panopuppet to function.

$ cd /srv/repo/panopuppet
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you hit any troubles with the python-ldap module you may need to run this command before running the pip install command again. This work around was taken from: http://bugs.python.org/issue21121 export CFLAGS=$(python3.3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var("CFLAGS").replace("-Werror=declaration-after-statement",""))')

  1. This directory will be needed to serve the static files. mkdir /srv/staticfiles

  2. Apache httpd config

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName pp.your.domain.com
    WSGIDaemonProcess panopuppet user=apache group=apache threads=5 python-path=/srv/repo/panopuppet:/srv/.virtualenvs/panopuppet/lib/python3.3/site-packages
    WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/repo/panopuppet/puppet/wsgi.py
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/panopuppet.error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/panopuppet.access.log combined

    Alias /static /srv/staticfiles/
    <Directory /srv/repo/panopuppet>
        Satisfy Any
        Allow from all

    <Directory /srv/repo/panopuppet/>
        WSGIProcessGroup panopuppet
  1. Configure PanoPuppet $ cp /srv/repo/panopuppet/config.yaml.example /srv/repo/panopuppet/config.yaml Use your favourite text editor to modify the file with the correct values for your envionrment. Please note that the example configuration file contains an example for puppetdb connection with and without SSL.

Depending on your puppet infrastructure you may or may not need to specify public, private and cacert to authenticate with puppetdb, puppetmaster filebucket and fileserver.

  1. Populate the /srv/staticfiles with the staticfiles $ cd /srv/repo/panopuppet $ python manage.py collectstatic Say yes to the question it might ask about overwriting files in the /srv/collectstatic folder.

  2. chown the /srv/repo/panopuppet directory recursively to the http user you want running panopuppet. This is to make sure that the panopuppet application can access the local database containing users etc. Support for other databases will be added at a later time. Make sure to replace 'apache' with the appropriate user and group. chown -R apache:apache /srv/repo/panopuppet

  3. Populate the django database so that users logging in with LDAP or local users are populated into django. $ python manage.py migrate

  4. OPTIONAL STEP IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE LDAP AND YOU ARE JUST TESTING. Create a local superuser to log in as $ python manage.py createsuperuser You are able to create some other users in the admin page located at http://panopuppet.your-domain.com/admin

  5. Restart Httpd service and it should work. /etc/init.d/httpd restart


Upgrading PanoPuppet should be no harder than doing a git pull origin/master in the /srv/repo/panopuppet directory. But its recommended to run the python manage.py collectstatic command again in case new css/javascripts have been added so that they are served to your clients. Also make sure to read the config.yaml.example file and see if any new variables have been implemented!

Upgrading PanoPuppet has a few new steps now as user profiles and permissions has been implemented. Now you should always run the following commands when updating panopuppet. python manage.py collectstatic python manage.py migrate python manage.py makemigration If it doesnt apply any changes, that just means that no changes were done to the database for those latest commits.

Configuration Options

NODES_DEFAULT_FACTS - Is a list of facts to be shown on the node report page. Default value is: ['operatingsystem', 'operatingsystemrelease', 'puppetversion', 'kernel', 'kernelrelease', 'ipaddress', 'uptime']

Available branches

The master branch has a release which includes:

  • ldap authentication
  • caching

Upcoming branches:

  • no_auth
    • There will be no ldap authentication support included.

Contact Me

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me @ chat.freenode.net - My nickname is Propyless and if I do not respond you may leave me an email and I will reply to your question there.

You can also find me in #panopuppet @ chat.freenode.net

Development Server

Django runserver...