
I will become a programmer

Primary LanguageSvelte

I will make it

working on a little project

working on classes

working on vcreating a clone of taringa

deployed wp to DigitalOcean

es6 classes

classes inheritance

manipulating dom

Cancel changes

freecodecamp.org react path

CRA +tailwind


more express js + ejs

rest day my mental health is 💩

same crappy day no coding today

15 day hiatus but i am back

html css (Sass)


back at it jan 4 2022

remix portfolio

almost time to deploy new blog version

blog almost ready

tranferring my posts

feeling depressed :/ being undocumenred aint easy


depressed again :/

rejected from Columbia SPS :/ I hate my life and being undocumented


last update on this repo, i will create one where my goal will be to become a programmer by the end of the year and find a job in my home country or here in the USA if DACA or something better comes my way


setting up everything

day 1