Google Cloud Apigee API Platform notes from the Coursera certification
1. API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
API Fundamentals
New challenges (Connected digital experiences)
- Secure
- Scale
- Manage
- Analyze
- Connect
Apigee API Management platform
Flex deployment
API lifecycle
Open API 3.0 (yaml)
API Proxy
- Proxy Endpoint
- Target Endpoint
Virtual hosts:
- name
- alias(es)
- protocol (http/https)
- port
- certificate (if https)
- HttpProxyConnection
- BasePath
- VirtualHost (1 or more)
- HttpProxyConnection
- LoadBalancer
- Algorithmn (RoundRobin, LeastConnection ...)
- Server (1 or more)
- MaxFailures
HealthMonitor (if using MaxFailures)
- LoadBalancer
- Developers
- Apps
- Products
- API keys
API Product
- API Product: bundle of APIs
- Control access to APIs
- Use for access or service levels
Status codes
- 200: 0K
- 400: Bad Request
- 401: Unauthorized
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: Not found
- 429: Too Many Requests
- 500: Internal Server Error
Other status codes
- 201: Created
- 204: No Content
- 304: Not Modified
- 405: Method Not Allowed
- 406: Not Acceptable
- 409: Conflict
- 503: Service Unavaiable
Status code ranges
- 1xx: Informational
- 2xx: Success
- 3xx: Redirection
- 4xx: Client error
- 5xx: Server error
2. API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
API Security
Security concerns
- Public APIs
- Private APIs
- Rate limiting
- Spike arrest policy
- Quota policy
- Traffic management: Source IP
- Access control policy (allows or denies by IP address or IP range)
- Applicataion identity
- Create or revoke API keys
- Verify API Key policy
- User authentification and authorization
- Basic Authentification
- OAuth 2.0
- Json Web Tokens and signatures (JWT/JWS)
- Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- Can integrate with other security providers
- Data in transit
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) for all API traffic
- Injection and data-based attacks
- Regular Expression Protection policy
- Application-level denial of service
- JSON Threat Protection
- XML Threat Protection
- Data confidentiality
- Role-based access control
- Data masking and private variables
- API security compliance
- Audit logs
- API Security Reporting
- Traffic management: Bot detection
- Apigee Sense
Identity, Authentification and Authorization
- Identity tracking
- Tracking usage/access
- => API Key
- Authentification
- Validating credentials
- => App credentials: consumer key & secret
- => User credentials: username & password
- => Machine credentials: TLS certificate
- Credentials must be protected with TLS
- Standards:
- OpenID Connect
- Authorization
- What is allowed
- Proof of authentification often via token
- Standards:
- OAuth 2.0
- SAML 2.0
OAuth: An authorization framework that allows users or clients to grant access to server resources to another entity without sharing credentials
Access Tokens: are issued to allow limited access to specific resources for a specified period of time and may be revoked byt the user that granted the permission or by the server that issued the token
Grant types: Authentification scenarios supported by OAuth 2.0
Client Credentials
- Service to Service (No user data involved)
- For confidential clients
- POST /token -> Apigee Proxy
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Basic {Base64(client_id:client_secret)}", "Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded" }
- Payload (Form parameters):
{ "grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "{scope}" }
- Headers:
- Response from POST /token
- Returns:
{ "access_token": "{access_token}", "scope": "{scope}", "expiry": "{expiry}" }
- No refresh token
- Returns:
- GET /resource -> Backend
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}" }
- Headers:
Resource Owner Password:
User data involved
For confidential && trusted client
Authorization server involved (for validating user credentials)
POST /token -> Apigee Proxy
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Basic {Base64(username:password)}", "Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded" }
- Payload (Form parameters):
{ "grant_type": "password", "scope": "{scope}" }
- POST /auth -> Authorization Server
- Payload:
{ "username": "{username}", "password": "{password}" }
- Response of POST /auth:
{ "auth_success": "{auth_success}", "user_details": "{user_details}" }
- Payload:
- Response of POST /token
- Returns:
{ "access_token": "{access_token}", "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}", "scope": "{scope}", "expiry": "{expiry}" }
- Returns:
- Headers:
GET /resource -> Backend
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}" }
- Headers:
Authorization Code:
User data involved
For trusted || untrusted apps
When app developer doesn't want to maintain credentials for users
Authorization server involved (for validating user credentials)
User Agent (browser) involved (for communicating with the Authorization server)
GET /oauth/authorize -> Apigee Proxy
{ "response_type": "code", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}", "scope": "{scope}", "state": "{state}" }
Response of GET /oauth/authorize Returns
User authentification in browser: -> Authorization server
- User enters credentials in displayed login_page
- User provides consent in consent_page
POST /oauth/authcode -> Apigee proxy (from Authorization server)
- Payload:
{ "client_id": "{apigee_client_id}", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}", "scope": "{scope}", "state": "{state}", "user_infos": "{user_infos}" }
- Response of POST /oauth/authcode:
302 redirect(redirect_uri?code={code}&state={state}
- Payload:
POST /token -> Apigee Proxy
{ "Authorization": "Basic {Base64(client_id:client_secret)}", "Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded" }
Payload (Form parameters):
{ "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": "{code}", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}" }
Response of POST /token
- Returns:
{ "access_token": "{access_token}", "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}", "scope": "{scope}", "expiry": "{expiry}" }
- Returns:
GET /resource -> Backend
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}" }
- Headers:
Authorization Code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange):
User data involved
For trusted || untrusted apps
When app developer doesn't want to maintain credentials for users
Authorization server involved (for validating user credentials)
User Agent (browser) involved (for communicating with the Authorization server)
App generates PKCE
(cryptographically random number)code_challenge
(base64 urlencoded string of SHA56 hash of code_verifier)- code_verifier is stored in session
GET /oauth/authorize -> Apigee Proxy
{ "response_type": "code", "client_id": "{client_id}", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}", "scope": "{scope}", "state": "{state}", "code_challenge": "{code_challenge}", "code_challenge_method": "S256" }
Response of GET /oauth/authorize Returns
User authentification in browser: -> Authorization server
- User enters credentials in displayed login_page
- User provides consent in consent_page
POST /oauth/authcode -> Apigee proxy (from Authorization server)
- Payload:
{ "client_id": "{apigee_client_id}", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}", "scope": "{scope}", "state": "{state}", "user_infos": "{user_infos}" }
- Response of POST /oauth/authcode:
302 redirect(redirect_uri?code={code}&state={state}
- Payload:
POST /token -> Apigee Proxy
Headers: (No client_secret with PKCE so no auth header, add client_id as a form parameter)
{ "Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded" }
Payload (Form parameters):
{ "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": "{code}", "redirect_uri": "{redirect_uri}", "client_id": "{client_id}", "code_verifier": "{code_verifier}" }
Response of POST /token
- Returns:
{ "access_token": "{access_token}", "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}", "scope": "{scope}", "expiry": "{expiry}" }
- Returns:
GET /resource -> Backend
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}" }
- Headers:
- Designed for public web & mobile apps
- Not recommended, use Authorization Code with PKCE instead
Refresh token:
Scope remains the same as for previous access_token
POST /token -> Apigee Proxy
Headers: (no auth header with PKCE)
{ "Authorization": "Basic {Base64(client_id:client_secret)}", "Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded" }
Payload (Form parameters): add client_id with PKCE
{ "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}" }
Response of POST /token
- Returns:
{ "access_token": "{access_token}", "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}", "scope": "{scope}", "expiry": "{expiry}" }
- Returns:
GET /resource -> Backend
- Headers:
{ "Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}" }
- Headers:
Client ids and client secrets: used to identify and authenticate apps
Generate Basic auth base64 string
echo -n "username:password" | base64
Scopes: limit access for a given token
TLS: All OAuth 2.0 traffic must be sent encrypted via TLS (successor of SSL)
Types of Apps:
- Confidential or Public
- Trusted or Untrusted
JWT, JWS, SAML, OpenID Connect
JWT (JSON Web Token)
Digitally signed
Decoded locally (doesn't need network trip) so valuable for microservices
Thus can not be revoked => Keep TTL (Time To Live) fairly short
Has 3 sections:
- Header: algorithm for signing
- unencoded header:
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
- unencoded header:
- Payload: claims about the user
- unencoded payload:
{ "sub": "18373426", "iss": "", "aud": "idsvc", "iat": 1570819380, "exp": 1570819680, "name": "John Doe", "loacle": "en", "email": "" }
- unencoded payload:
- Signature: guaranties integrity of the token
- signature calculation:
HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncoded(header) + "." base64UrlEncoded(payload), secret )
- signature calculation:
- Policies
- GenerateJWT
- VerifyJWT
- DecodeJWT
- Header: algorithm for signing
JWS (JSON Web Signature)
- Can be used to digitally sign any payload
- A JWS payload can have any format and does not require the payload to be attached to the JWS
- Signed JWT is a JWS with attached payload containing set of claims in a JSON object
- Policies
- GenerateJWS
- VerifyJWS
- DecodeJWS
Federated Identity (IdP)
- Identity provider
- stores user profiles
- responsible for authenticating users
- Service provider
- can delegate identity management to trusted IdPs
- Benefits for user
- fewer accounts and password to manage
- SSO (Single sign-on) to multiple apps and services
- Standards:
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) (v2 2005)
- SOAP and XML based protocol
- uses security tokens called security assertions
- complex protocol, typically entreprise-oriented
- Policies
- GenerateSAMLAssertion
- ValidateSAMLAssertion
- OpenID Connect
- Lightweight RESTful redesign of SAML (2014)
- Layers user authentification and identiy on OAuth 2.0
- Adds ID token to OAuth 2.0
- ID token is secure JWT containing user claims
- ID tokens can be used to verify the authentification of users and get user details without contacting the issuer
- Apigee's JWT and OAuthV2 policies can be used to create OIDC providers and consumers
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) (v2 2005)
- Identity provider
Content based attacks
Input validation:
- Extract fields from payloads using JSONPath/XPath in the ExtractVariables policy
- Validate required fields, field interactions and regular expression pattern by using proxy conditions or Javascript policies
- Rewrite validation error messages from the backend
Malicious input
- Ex: SQL injection code
- RegularExpressionProtection policy
- JSONThreatProtection and XMLThreatProtection policies use string-based evaluation of the payload instead of parsing the payload
- These policies should be run before doing any JSON/XML parsing
Transport Security
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- Successor of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- Establishes encrypted http link between client and server (https)
- Certificates prove identity
- TLS handshake: Client encrypt some data with server's public key and sends it to Server. Server must be able de decrypt it using its secret key
- One-way TLS (server validation)
- Standard web https
- Server presents certificate to prove identity, client does not (Server Keystore)
- Client can validate server certificate (Server Certificate Truststore)
- Two-way TLS (mutual authentification)
- Best practice for creating secure link from Apigee to backend services
- Both client and server present certificates (Server Keystore and Client Keystore)
- Client and Server each validate each other's certificate (Server Certificate Truststore and Client Certificate Truststore )
- KeyStore and TrustStore may be specified by using a name or a reference
- References must be prefered
- allows Keystore and Truststore modification without redeployment of proxy/target server and reboot of virtual host
- also allows key and certificate rotation without downtime
Acces Control
- Allows/Deny list for IPs addresses or ranges
- AccessControl policy
Apigee Management Security
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Permissions: create/read/update/delete access to resources
- Roles: group of permissions that can be assigned to a person
- Predefined roles
- Organization administrator (superuser access, including adding users and roles)
- Read-Only Organization administrator (full readonly access)
- Operations Administrator (responsible for production)
- Business User
- User (API developer)
- Custom roles can be created for fine grained Access Control
Data masking and private Variables
- blocks field being viewed in live trace or trace files
- Data masking can be configured only by using the Management API (not the Management UI)
- Can be configured to the Organization level or for a specific proxy
- Organisation: POST /v1/o/{org}/maskconfigs
- Single Proxy POST /v1/o{org}/apis/{proxy}/maskconfigs
- Body
{ "logonPassword": "******", "lastName": "John", "firstName" "Doe" }
Key Value Maps (KVMs)
- Storage for non-expiring data retrieved at runtime
- Keys and Values must both be strings
- Can be scoped to an Organization, an Environment or a specific Proxy (typically Environment-scoped)
- Read/Update/Delete KVM entries via
- Management API
- Management UI
- KVM Policy
- Mark sensitive data as encrypted at KVM creation
- Encrypted values cannot be retrieved by using Management UI or API
- Can only retrieve values of encrypted KVM by using private variables in a proxy (using KeyValueMapOperations policy)
Private variables
- private.{varname} is a private variable
3. API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
- API mediation
- Traffic management
- API publishing
- Analytics
- Apigee offline development
- Apigee deployment options
API mediation
Set Content-Type header
JSONToXML and XMLToJSON policies (JSON: Javascript Object Notation, XML: eXtensible Markup Language)
- StripLevels
- RecognizeNumber
- RecognizeBoolean
XSL Transform policy (eXtensible Stylesheet Language)
MessageValidation policy validates (Content-Type must be set, XSD and WSDL files must be stored in the proxy for validation to occur):
- XML against XSD stored in proxy resources (eXtensible Service Description)
- SOAP against WSDL stored in proxy resources (WSDL: Web Service Description Language)
- Confirm that JSON or SOAP is well-formed (SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP to REST Wizard
Mediation pattern: Format conversion:
- Header
- URIPath
- QueryParam
- JSONPath
- XPath
- AssignVariable
- Set
- Remove
Mediation pattern: Orchestration
ServiceCallout policy
- Request
- Response
- Timeout
- HTTPTargetConnection
Proxy chaining (in same org & env), can be used in TargetEndpoints and ServiceCallouts
- LocalTargetConnection
- Path
- or
- APIProxy and ProxyEndpoint
- LocalTargetConnection
Custom code policies
- Javascript policy
- IncludeURL
- ResourceURL
- JavaCallout policy
- Python policy
- Javascript policy
Shared Flow
A method for sharing code inside proxies (just like proxy chaining)
Single flow of reusable logic containing policies, policy conditions, and resources
Cannot be invoked directly (shared flows live in the context of a hosting proxy flow)
Hosted in an org and deployed to an env
Can only be used by proxy or shared flow deployed to the same org/env
FlowCallout policy
- Call shared flow from a proxy or another shared flow
- Shared flow must be deployed to an environment before proxy or shared flow using it can be deployed
- FlowCallout
- SharedFlowBundle
- SharedFlow name
- SharedFlowBundle
Flow hooks
- Attach shared flow for all proxies in an environment
- Pre-proxy Flow Hook
- Pre-target Flow Hook
- Post-target Flow Hook
- Post-proxy Flow Hook
- Attach shared flow for all proxies in an environment
Fault Handling
- FaultRules
- FaultRules are evaluated from bottom to top in ProxyEndpoint (only part of a proxy that is evaluated in reverse order)
- FaultRules are evaluated in normal order in TargetEndpoint
- AlwaysEnforce
- true: always runs after the fault rules
- false: runs after the fault rules only if no matching fault rule was found
- AlwaysEnforce
Faults are raised:
When continueOnError = false in policy
Non success response recieved from backend or service callout (success codes default to 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, can be overriden by property)
Using a RaiseFault policy
- RaiseFault
- FaultResponse
- RaiseFault
404 Not Found
- Bsest practice is to allow approved operations
- Stores and manages service credentials
- Retrieves tokens and manages token expiration
- Builds and parses the API request and response
Apigee components
- Gateway
- Router
- Message Processor
- Runtime Data Store
- Analytics services
- Management service (API)
- Management UI
- Developer Portal
- Gateway
Rate Limiting with Spike Arrests and Quotas
Traffic spikes
- SpikeArrest policy
- Keeps track of when the last matching request was allowed
- Does not use au counter
- Solves a technical problem
- Rejected traffic returns 429 Too Many Requests status code
- The variable "system.uuid" is unique for each message processor. This value can be specified in a response header if you want to be able to distinguish requests that are handled by different message processors.
- SpikeArrest
- Rate (10ps, 30pm)
- Identifier ref = client_id
- MessageWeight
- UseEffectiveCount = true divides the specified rate accros MPs(Message processors). Default is false
- SpikeArrest policy
Quota policy
- Solves a business problem
- Uses a counter
- Count is typically shared among all message processors
- Quota is scoped to a single proxy and policy. Counters cannot be shared between proxies or policies
- Combination of proxy, policy and identifiers uniquely identifies a quota counter
- Rejected traffic returns 429 Too Many Requests status code
- Quota
- Allow
- Interval
- TimeUnit
- Indentifier
- MessageWeight
- Distributed
- Synchronous
- AsynchronousConfiguration
- SyncIntervalInSeconds
- SyncMessageCount
- Quota can be set at the API Product level and accessed via variables created when an API key or token is verified (verifyapikey.VK-VerifyKey.apiproduct.developer.quota.{limit, interval, timeunit})
- Quota type:
- default
- calendar
- flexi
- rollingwindow
Reset Quota policy
- ResetQuota
- Quota
- Identifier
- Allow
- Identifier
- Quota
- ResetQuota
TTL (time-to-live)
L1 cache
- in-memory
- is checked first
L2 cache
- stored in runtime data store
- slower than L1 but much faster than network calls
- MP populates L1 cache when entry is read from L2
L1 automatic caching (180s after access)
- OAuth access tokens
- Developers, Developers apps, API products
- Custom attributes on the aforementioned
PopulateCache policy
- adds an entry to the cache
- PopulateCache
- CacheResource
- CacheKey
- Prefix
- KeyFragment
- Scope (must be set if Cache prefix is not set)
- Global: org__env
- Application: orgenvproxy
- Exclusive: orgenvproxy__endpoint
- ExpirySettings
- TimeoutInSec / ExpiryDate / TimeOfDay
- Source
LookupCache policy
- looks for an entry in a cache
- cachehit variable is populated (true/false)
- LookupCache
- CacheResource
- CacheKey
- Prefix
- KeyFragment
- Scope (must be set if Cache prefix is not set)
- Global: org__env
- Application: orgenvproxy
- Exclusive: orgenvproxy__endpoint
- CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds (default: 30s)
- AssignTo
InvalidateCache policy
- purge entries from a caches
- InvalidateCache
- CacheResource
- CacheKey
- KeyFragment
- Scope (must be set if Cache prefix is not set)
- Global: org__env
- Application: orgenvproxy
- Exclusive: orgenvproxy__endpoint
- CacheContext
- APIProxyName / ProxyName(endpoint) / TargetName
- PurgeChildEntries
Response caching
ResponseCache policy
streamlines the process of caching HTTP responses
handle both the lookup and the population of the cache
is attached to exactly 2 places: a request flow (checks the cache) and a response flow (populates the cache)
- CacheResource
- CacheKey
- KeyFragment
- ExpirySettings
- TimeoutInSec / ExpiryDate / TimeOfDay
- UseAcceptHeader
- ExcludeErrorResponse
- SkipCacheLookup
- SkipCachePopulation
- UseResponseCacheHeaders
- If true caching-related headers in the response will be used with this precedence:
- Cache-Control s-max-age
- Cache-Control max-age
- Expires
- If one of those headers is used, its expiration is compared to the ExpirySettings value, and the lower expiration time is used
- If true caching-related headers in the response will be used with this precedence:
Response cache best practices:
- Only cache GET requests
- Think carefully about cache key fragments
- Use unique user identifier as a key fragment
- Use proxy.pathsuffix and specific query parameters as key fragments instead of entire URL
API Publishing
- API versionning
- Developer Portals
- MessageLogging policy
- continueOnError=true
- in the PostClientFlow
- MessageLogging
- Syslog
- Message
- Host
- Port
- Protocol (TCP/UDP)
- SSLInfo (if TCP)
- Enabled
- Syslog
- MessageLogging policy
- App analytics
- Developer analytics
- API analytics
- StatisticsCollector policy
- StatisticsCollector
- Statistics
- Statistic (name, ref, type)
- Statistics
- StatisticsCollector
- Maven plugins
- apigee-deploy-maven-plugin
- apigee-config-maven-plugin
- CLI tool
- apigeetool
- Management API
- CLI get_token
- CLI acurl
- Maven plugins