SAP Note No. 1438410
Number              1438410
Version             49 from 21.09.2012
Status              Released for Customer
Set on              28.02.2012

Language            EN
Master language     DE
Short text          SQL: Script collection for Oracle

Responsible         Martin Frauendorfer
Component           BC-DB-ORA

An archive that contains a collection of the most important SQL
statements is attached to this note. The parameters for these can often
be set by adjusting the BASIS_INFO section. Due to the values -1 for
NUMBER parameters and '%' for string parameters, the parameter is
usually not used.

Caution: Some of the scripts perform queries on Oracle views; these are
allowed only if the Oracle Diagnostics Pack and/or the Oracle Tuning
Pack are licensed. Therefore, you should use the scripts only if you
have clarified your licensing situation in advance.

No documentation is available. We take no responsibility for the
correctness of the scripts and we will not provide any support for

However, you can discuss more details and usage options as part of the
SAP services described above.