
rtorrent + rutorrent + nginx + php-fpm

Primary LanguageShell

Docker container stack: rtorrent (from sources), uTorrent + nginx + php-fpm

Designed to work on Raspbery Pi using resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie as base image. You ca also modify to debian:jessie to make it run on x86_64.

The image install nginx to listen on 80 and 443, default user: user, default password: password

The image is already on docker hub. You can use it without building image.

Build it

There is a buid.sh and run.sh in the directory, you can change your ports and volume for your needs, also de user/password for the web login:

docker build -t rpi-torrent-box .

Run it

Environment vars to change web user/pass

The environment NEW_USER and NEW_PASS are used for the web access login. If not defined, user and password are the defaults.

docker run -dt --name rpi-torrent_01 \
  -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 
  -v ~/data:/rtorrent 
  -e NEW_USER=myuser
  -e NEW_PASS=mypass

The URL to access interfaces is http://<IP>:<PORT>. No need to append /rutorrent on URL on this version.

Environment vars to change rtorrent listening ports

The environment RTORRENT_DHT and RTORRENT_PORT changes the rtorrent configuration to listen on those ports instead the default 49160 and 49161. For example, lets change it to 50000 and 50001:

docker run -dt --name rpi-torrent_01 \
  -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 50000:50000/udp -p 50001:50001 
  -v ~/data:/rtorrent 
  -e RTORRENT_DHT=50000
  -e RTORRENT_PORT=50001

Modify manually login/password on .htpassword to access ruTorrent interface

When runing image you use the volume /rtorrent. Here you can set up or modify .htpasswd file. You can add more users or just change using > instead >> in the redirection:

In the volume you used vefore with -v (~/data in the example). You can execute:

PASSWORD="my_password";SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)";SHA1=$(printf "$PASSWORD$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | sed 's#$#'"$SALT"'#' | base64);printf "my_user:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> ~/data/.htpasswd

Or you can run a command inside the container, if your container is named my-rpi-torrent

$ docker exec -t my-rpi-torrent bash
# PASSWORD="my_password";SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)";SHA1=$(printf "$PASSWORD$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | sed 's#$#'"$SALT"'#' | base64);printf "my_user:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> /rtorrent/.htpasswd

After changing .htpasswd file you must stop/start container. The initial script will look for this file and copy where nginx load it.


For now is just a release version to see how Docker Hub works with a buil image.

  • Clean up
  • Disable logs or redirect to stdout
  • Reduce final image size
  • Make changes on ports at rtorrent config using environment variables.