
Read-only mirror of the offical Weka subversion repository (trunk, aka developer version).

Primary LanguageJava

This is a ready-to-use fork from official Dev repository (git),

For being directly imported into Eclipse 4.11, with OpenJDK 11.


Eclipse 4.11 (Minimal):

Note: Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) implementation uses full Hardware acceleration.

NEW: You CAN use MKL on AMD Chips! Just add this variable or your Linux / Windows Environment:


Close Eclipse, then re-run.

WEKA (developer version)

Read-only git mirror of Weka's subversion repository.

Source code

The official WEKA source code of the developer version is available from this URL:


Contributions/Bug fixes

Contributions and bug fixes an be contributed as patch file and posted to the WEKA mailing list.
