Player Events (Play choices and actions)

  • headset_on - this sets the 0 time for seconds_from_launch)
  • language_selected (string langugage, float seconds_from_launch)
  • start(float seconds_from_launch)
  • viewport_data ([float seconds_from_launch, float pos, float rototation])
  • object_selected (float seconds_from_launch, string gaze_point_name, [string remaining_assinged_objects])

Progression Events (An achievement is made, a goal is met, time advaces)

  • scene_change (float seconds_from_launch, string scene_name)
  • object_assigned (float seconds_from_launch, string object) - Something in the script just said, "you should look at ...."

Feedback Events (The system is communicating something to the player formatively)

  • script_audio_started (float seconds_from_launch, int/string clip_identifier)
  • script_audio_complete (float seconds_from_launch, int/string clip_identifier)
  • caption_displayed (float seconds_from_launch, string caption)
  • new_object_displayed (float seconds_from_launch, bool has_the_indicator, string object, float pos, float rotation)