- @ A
- www CNAME cname.vercel-dns.com
- 1440p: 2560×1440
- 1080p: 1920×1080
- 720p: 1280×720
- 1024 x 576
- 480p: 854×480
- 360p: 640×360
- 240p: 426×240
- recover latitude / long data
- prototype river post page with map with put in labels
- clean up posts / fill in data like popularity and latitude / long
- https://faustjs.org/ - Possible framework
- https://wpengine.com/atlas/ - backend service wordpress / next.js
- https://tailwindgrids.com/ - to set the grids
- https://tailblocks.cc/ - block components
- https://blog.logrocket.com/ -10-best-tailwind-css-component-template-collections/>) - good resources