
Field Papers offline task server

Primary LanguagePython



This is intended to be run from a Docker image. -v $(pwd):/app facilitates local development, --env-file propagates environment variables into the container. See .env.sample for sample .env file.

docker run --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $(pwd):/app \
  --env-file .env \

Environment variables

  • AWS_REGION - AWS region. Required if using S3.
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME - S3 bucket name. Required if using S3.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS key with read/write access to the configured S3 bucket(s).
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Corresponding secret.
  • API_BASE_URL - Base Field Papers API URL (used when generating QR codes and titles). Defaults to https://fieldpapers.org/.
  • PERSIST - File persistence. Can be local or s3. Defaults to s3.
  • STATIC_PATH - Path to write static files to. Must be HTTP-accessible for page merging to work. Required if using local persistence.
  • STATIC_URI_PREFIX - Prefix to apply to static paths (e.g. http://example.org/path) to allow them to resolve. Required if using local persistence.

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