
Based on yii to create an web project for MutilMediea Center of SYSU

Primary LanguagePHP


Based on yii to create an web project for MutilMediea Center of SYSU

Installing Guide

	1. Make a "runtime" dir and set its authority bit. The command listed as follow: 
	cmd1:  mkdir /mmcsysu/protected/runtime 
	cmd2:  chmod 777 runtime -R 
	or cmd2:[anthor method] chown  daemon:daemon runtime -R

	2. Make a "assets" dir and set its authority bit. The command listed as follow: 
	cmd1:  mkdir /mmcsysu/assets 
	cmd2:  chmod 777 assets -R
	or cmd2:[anthor method] chown  daemon:daemon assets -R

	3. Make a "images" dir 
	cmd1:  mkdir /mmcsysu/images
	then copy images file from (TestMachine) and put the images at path: /mmcsysu/images

	4. Copy yii framework to WebDoc/yii.
	Note: the Yii framework path showed as bellow:
	├── mmcsysu
	├── mmdsysu
	└── yii

	5. Alter a css file in Yii framework showed as follow:
	Alter file path: /yii/framework/web/widgets/pagers/pager.css
	Alter file content:

	* Hide first and last buttons by default.
	ul.yiiPager .first,
	ul.yiiPager .last

	6. Import DB schema into mysql.
	The schema file at /mmcsysu/protected/data/schema/*.sql
	import *.sql order:
	1) mmc.sql
	2) mmc-data-initial.sql
	3) mmc-data-article.sql
	1) all the mis_article.status = 0 means they are draft and will not be shown at page.
	You must alter the status =1 which will be published at page.

	7. Create a administrator user
	Now You can see the WebSite successfully. If you want to login the backend of the WebSite, 
	you need to create a user for youself.
	1) alter the username and pwd variable in javascript at the file: /mmcsysu/genUser/genUser.php
	2) open the genUser.php on the browser, and you can see something like this:
    2-1 Update User
	update mis_user set password ='340b5f9511d72121354835b3f457996a62e764bab7a4c35e78fe4e33605c910729361c76' 
	where username ='hh';
	2-2 Create User
	insert into mis_user (username, password, authority ) value 
	('hh', '340b5f9511d72121354835b3f457996a62e764bab7a4c35e78fe4e33605c910729361c76', 984062);	
	3) copy the "Create User" sql showed above and excute it in mysql.
	Then you can login backend with your own username and password.