Gradle plugin for managing android app versionCode and versionName. Auto update versionCode on every git commit.
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####1 Dependencies
In root project build.gradle file
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
####2 Config In app module build.gradle file
apply plugin: 'com.nillith.autoversion'
// Config your version numbers here.
autoVersion {
major 1
minor 0
patch 0
// build 3 // You can provide your own build number to disable auto versionCode update.
android {
defaultConfig {
versionCode autoVersion.code // same as build.
versionName // same as "$major.$minor.$patch.$build"
If doing right. Gradle console will print the following message when sync
AutoVersion:versionCode: xxx
AutoVersion:versionName: x.x.x.x
Nillith, 2016. Licensed under an Apache-2 license.