
Toolcahnging extension for Klipper

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Toolchanging extension for Klipper. Provides the basic structure and links into GCodes.

Not opinionated how the tool change happens and suitable for physical tools as well as MMUs. All the actual tool changing motions to be provided as gcode macros.

This is standalone version of the klipper branch


 git clone https://github.com/viesturz/klipper-toolchanger.git klipper-toolchanger
 ln -s ~/klipper-toolchanger/klipper/extras/* ~/klipper/klippy/extras/
 sudo systemctl restart klipper

Add the macros to your printer config.


  • Single toolchanger works well.


  • Cascading tools support.
  • Save current tool on restart.


[multi_fan first_fan]

Multiple print cooling fans, controlled by M106/M107 gcodes. One may define any number of sections with a "multi_fan" prefix. ACTIVATE_FAN gcode command can be used which fan is used for cooling.


Configures common tool changing parameters. More than one toolchanger can be configured, with arbitrary names. The unnamed toolchanger is always considered the main one and others can be connected to a tool in the main toolchanger.

Any parameter that can be set on a tool, can be set on the toolchanger as well and will provide a default value for all of its tools.

# save_current_tool: false
  #  If set, saves currently selected tool and makes it available for 
  # initialize gcode.
# initialize_gcode: 
  #  Gcode to run on initialize. Typically used for homing any motors, or 
  #  reselecting saved tool.
# initialize_on: first-use
  # When this toolchanger gets initialized.
  #  - manual: only when INITIALIZE_TOOLCHANGER is called.
  #  - home: when homing the printer.
  #  - first-use: on first toolchange command.
# params_*: 
  # Extra params to pass to pickup/dropoff gcode. Accessible in the gcode via
  # `toolchanger.params_name`.
  # Also will be copied to any tools for this toolchanger with local
  # values overriding. 
# before_change_gcode:
  # Common gcode to run before any tool change
  # has `dropoff_tool` and `pickup_tool` names available to access their
  # config. 
  # See [tool status](Status_Reference.md#tool) for how to use them.   
# after_change_gcode:
  # Common gcode to run after any tool change.
  # EG: To set custom input shaping, accelerations, etc.  
# parent_tool:
  # Name of a parent tool. Marks this toolchanger as a child, meaning the parent tool
  # will be selected in order to select any tool attached to this.
  # Can be used for chaining multiple filament/tool changing techniques,
  # like IDEX plus an MMU attached to one of the hotends.
# parent_mounting_mode: parent-first 
  # How to mount parent when the tool is selected:
  # - parent-first - mount parent and then child
  # - child-first - mount child before parent can be mounted
# parent_unmounting_mode: lazy 
  # How to unmount parent when the tool is deselected:
  # - child-first - unmount child and then parent
  # - parent-first - unmount parent and then child
  # - lazy - no dot unmount the child unless a needed to mount a sibling   


Defines a tool that can be selected. Normally a tool has an assigned extruder, fans and associated printer config, like pressure advance. But can be purely virtual, like slot in an MMU unit. See command reference for how to control tools.

[tool tool_name]
# toolchanger: toolchanger
  # Which toolchanger this tool belongs to.
# extruder:
  # Name of the extruder to activate when this tool is selected.
  # If not specified, will use parent's extruder.
# extruder_stepper: 
  # Name of extruder stepper to use for filament motion.
  # When set the main extruder is only used for temperature control.
  # Useful for Y type multi extruder hotends.  
# fan: 
  # Name of the fan to use as print cooling fan when this tool is selected.
  # If not set, uses parent fan or does nothing.
# tool_number: 
  # Tool number to register this tool as.
  # When set, creates the T<n> macro and changes M104/M109 T<n> to target this tool.
  # Can be overwritten in runtime using [ASSIGN_TOOL](G-Codes.md#ASSIGN_TOOL) command.
# pickup_gcode:
  # Gcode to run to pick up this tool, if empty, there is no pickup code.
  # The gocode can use `tool` and `toolchanger` variables to access
  # [their status](Status_Reference.md#tool).
# dropoff_gcode:
  # Gcode to run to drop off this tool, if empty, there is no dropoff code.
# gcode_x_offset: 0
# gcode_y_offset: 0
# gcode_z_offset: 0
  # The XYZ gcode offset of the toolhead. If set, overrides offset defined 
  # by the parent. If set, even to 0, indicates the offset on that axis is 
  # relevant for this tool and any adjustments will be attributed to this tool.  
# params_*: 
  # Extra params to pass to pickup/dropoff gcode. Accessible in the gcode via
  # `tool.params_name`.
  # Some example params:
  #  params_dock_x: 10.0
  #  params_dock_y: 50.0
  #  params_input_shaper_freq_x: 100
  #  params_retract_mm: 8 
# t_command_restore_axis: XYZ
   # Which axis to restore with the T<n> command, see SELECT_TOOL for command for more info.    



The following command is available when a [multi_fan config section](Config_Reference.md#multi_fan is enabled.


ACTIVATE_FAN FAN=fan_name Selects the active printer fan that reacts to M106/M107 gcodes. Current fan speed is transferred over to the new fan.


The following commands are available when toolchanger is loaded.


INITIALIZE_TOOLCHANGER [TOOLCHANGER=toolchanger] [TOOL_NAME=<name>] [T=<number>]: Initializes or Re-initializes the toolchanger state. Sets toolchanger status to ready.

The default behavior is to auto-initialize on first tool selection call. Always needs to be manually re-initialized after a SELECT_TOOL_ERROR. If TOOL_NAME is specified, sets the active tool without performing any tool change gcode. The after_change_gcode is always called. TOOL_NAME with empty name unselects tool.


ASSIGN_TOOL TOOL=<name> N=<number>: Assign tool to specific tool number. Overrides any assignments set up by tool.tool_number. Sets up a corresponding T and M104/M109 T commands. Does not change the active tool.


SELECT_TOOL TOOL=<name> [RESTORE_AXIS=xyz]: Select the active tool. The toolhead will be moved to the previous position on any axis specified in RESTORE_AXIS value. Slicer Gcode normally use T0, T1, T2,... to select a tool. Printer config should contain macros to map them to corresponding tool names, or set tool.tool_number: to auto register a T macro.

The selection sequence is as follows:

  • gcode state is saved
  • toolchanger.before_change_gcode is run
  • current extruder and fan are deactivated, if changed
  • current_tool.dropoff_gcode is run - if a tool is currently selected
  • new_tool.pickup_gcode is run
  • new extruder and fan are activated, if changed
  • toolchanger.after_change_gcode is run
  • gcode state is restored, without move
  • new tool is moved to the gcode position, according to RESTORE_AXIS

If the tools have parents, their corresponding dropoff/pickup gcode is also run.


SELECT_TOOL_ERROR [MESSAGE=]: Signals failure to select a tool. Can be called from within tool macros during SELECT_TOOL and will abort any remaining tool change steps and put the toolchanger starting the selection in ERROR state.


UNSELECT_TOOL [RESTORE_AXIS=]: Unselect active tool without selecting a new one.

Performs only the first part of select tool, leaving the printer with no tool selected.


SET_TOOL_TEMPERATURE [TOOL=<name>] [T=<number>] TARGET=<temp> [WAIT=0]: Set tool temperature.


TEST_TOOL_DOCKING: Dock and undock current tool.


SET_TOOL_PARAMETER [TOOL=<name>] [T=<number>] PARAMETER=parameter_<name> VALUE=<value>: Change tool parameter in runtime.



The following information is available in the tool object:

  • name: The tool name, eg 'tool T0'.
  • tool_number: The assigned tool number or -1 if not assigned.
  • toolchanger: The name of the toolchanger this tool is attached to.
  • extruder: Name of the extruder used for this tool.
  • fan: Name of the part fan used for this tool.
  • active: If this tool is currently the selected tool.
  • mounted: If this tool is currently mounted, the tool may be mounted but not selected. Some reasons for that can be that a child tool is selected, or lazy unmounting is configured.
  • mounted_child: The child tool which is currently mounted, or empty.
  • params_*: Set of values specified using params_*.
  • gcode_x_offset: current X offset.
  • gcode_y_offset: current Y offset.
  • gcode_z_offset: current Z offset.


The following information is available in the toolchanger object:

  • status: One of 'uninitialized', 'ready', 'changing', 'error'.
  • tool: Name of currently selected/changed tool, or empty.
  • tool_number: Number of the currently selected tool, or -1.
  • tool_numbers: List of assigned tool numbers, eg [0,1,2].
  • tool_names: List of tool names corresponding the assigned numbers.
  • saved_tool: Saved name of last successfully selected tool.