
Personal helper about Git


Personal helper about Git

Setting Up Workspace

Udacity lesson



"A good commit message is composed of two parts: a short message, less than 72 characters long, which briefly states (in active voice) the change being made; and a much longer, optional description, which is separated from the brief description by a newline." https://blog.udacity.com/2015/06/a-beginners-git-github-tutorial.html

Android Studio >> Commit Changes dialog >> Commit message text box

You can separate short message and optional description with new line.


Change last commit or message with the change that you forgot.

Add the change

git add .

Commit with amend

(use -m argument to change commit message or you'll be prompted with previous commit message)

git commit --amend

or If you don't want to change commit message but add the forgotten change

git commit --amend --no-edit

If you pushed the commit that you amended, you need to use -f attribute to change the commit in remote.

git push -f origin your-branch

If not, just push it normally.




Move changes to another branch and revert master

Move all uncommitted changes to a new branch and revert the existing branch to HEAD. https://gist.github.com/tonylukasavage/5672490

Changing a remote's url

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git


Removing unstaged changes

For all

git checkout --

Or the name of the file

git checkout <insert-file-name-here>

After sending file to repo, let git do not track any changes to file

Example: api_key file with empty string api key in it and then you stop tracking changes in the file with the following command and then update empty string with your api key.

git update-index --skip-worktree path/to/file


Remove from git index and repo

Example: There is a file that is changed specific to your environment, but this file is added to git and sent to repo. So adding it to .gitignore is not enough. You should remove that file from git index and add the changes to stage and commit and push to remove from repo. You keep your locally modified file to yourself and git will not track any changes in this.

How to remove from index

git rm -r --cached path-to-those-files

git add .

git commit -m 'Remove ignored files from index

https://stackoverflow.com/a/1274447/1463542 https://stackoverflow.com/a/9750651/1463542

Removing files from staging area

remove all files:

git reset HEAD .


Git Config: Setup your name and email address

git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname" git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"

Take back local commit but keep changes in staging area

For Windows:

git reset --soft HEAD~1



How to change a local branch name

git branch -m new-name
