
Note taking and syncing utility.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Note taking and syncing utility.


  • jotter init [REMOTE-URL]

    • Create a jotter project (jotterproject.yml).
    • Git init.
    • If remote url is given then instead just git clone.
      • If clone didn't have jotterproject.yml then create one to 'adopt'.
  • jotter set-remote REMOTE-URL

    • Set the git origin to the remote URL.
  • jotter note NOTE-PATH

    • Create a note at the given path and open the configured editor.
    • If note already existed then open in edit mode.
    • Wait for close then git add and commit.
  • jotter sync

    • Push/pull changes to/from remote.
  • jotterproject.yml

    • editor: The command to run to open notes in an editor, i.e. code or vim.
    • note_extension: The extension to create notes with. Defaults to .md.